When you arrive at Westminster, you immediately notice two things: our sunlit sanctuary, and our warm, welcoming congregation. Stay awhile longer, and you’ll come to experience people of deep and growing faith, a community diverse in talents and opinions, a family that prays for one another and tends to each other’s needs, a vibrant collection of passionate and compassionate Jesus followers seeking to make a positive impact in their community.
Our hope? That in this community, you will find what you are looking for: a place to worship God. A safe and challenging place to learn, and grow, and wrestle with tough questions. A place to laugh and play. A family that will share your sorrows and your joys. A place to serve. A place to belong. A place to call home.
Come on in! Take a look around:
What Can I Expect When I Visit Westminster?
By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.
John 13:35